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Tuesday 15 July 2014

Rest Day Ottawa - Day 57

(Kelly) so we had our lovely rest day in Ottawa. After a wild night at blues fest everyone kind of went off and did their own thing. I got to sleep in (until 8!) then I headed down to byward market for a coffee and bagel at a cafe. Danica and the Collins Girls headed over to Cora's for breakfast and Laura slept in a bit longer. It was naturally pouring rain so I stayed mostly inside all morning then the team all came to meet me and we headed over to parliament for a free tour. It was really beautiful, especially the library, and fairly interesting. We were all a bit zonked afterwards though, from all the walking. We then checked out of our lovely hotel room and headed over to the hostel. It was awesome in their. The building was previously a prison, converted into dormitories, but the owners stayed en-theme and it still held a bit of creepy charm. More specifically the basement solitary confinement room, now used for ironing and laundry. Then Laura, Danica, and I headed over to a pub to watch the World Cup game and grab some food. Go Germany!! And the Collins girls headed over the museum to heck out the exhibition on bioluminescence. Over all a very fun rest day. Also I did not see any ghosts in the hostel, thank goodness.

1 comment:

  1. Great picture of the Parliament buildings at night!
