Our Route

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Thursday 7 August 2014

Days 81 and 82 - helloooooo Newfies!!

Dear Readers,
Today is a day among days. Today is the day before the day that is the last day of these many days which we have traveled....for days. 
For those who became completely lost in those first sentences, allow me to clarify. 
It's our second last day!!!!!!!
Yesterday, the day before today, was the third last day and the last day in Nova Scotia. 
Follow? Good. 
We started out our day (the third last one) in Baddeck, hitting up Timmy's for breakfast. Then we hit the road. Naturally we were itching for one last mountain summit, so we climbed my mountain (Kelly's Mountain). We haaated it but naturally conquered it with no major issues. The fog at the top was a little disconcerting and took away from the view ever so slightly but it was beautiful country from what we could tell. Then we descended into the valley, crossing over a bridge clearly labeled "share the road" with bycyclists which one driver clearly wasn't aware of and neither was the shoulder BUT we didn't die, always the goal. 
We made our way into Sydney mines and checked out the Fossil Museum. It was actually really interesting and the staff were fantastic. Our tour guide was a nursing student in St. John's! We actually spent more time having hilarious chats then on tour. Then we scooted on over to the ferry along the coast and got comfortable for the over night ride. HINT: if you actually want to sleep, get a cabin or find some floor space, the chairs are awful. 

The Second Last Day (as in today):
Soooo we landed in Newfoundland!!!! Aahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Very excited. I skipped. 
Newfoundland is beautiful. Both of our first times here and our last province. It sort of feels like a combination of northern Ontario and BC i.e. hills that make me want to kick my bike. But it so so so pretty. We got about 60km out of St. John's and made camp. We also experienced some Newfie hospitality, getting a ride into the nearest town for groceries. Can't even describe how I'm feeling. I'm going to breakdown and cry when we get to St. John's tomorrow out of pure relief. So so so happy! One more biking day!! The day of all the days!!!!!

It's ma'mountain!

Just a touch of fog. 

The scary bridge to come! 

We're here!!!

Just beautiful. 


The Ocean!!!! Goodbye Mainland!!!!!


More ocean!!

Number 10!!!

It's beautiful!!!

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