Last night the locals had all been talking about tropical storm Bertha who was scheduled to hit the island last night/ today. So before bed we moved our drying laundry inside and "batton'down the hatches". It didn't even rain. I mean I think we may have had a sprinkle during the night but clearly the skies were saving it all for this morning judging by the clouds hanging on the horizon.
We optimistically hung our still damp clothes out to dry and peddled off into the great expanse of nothing that is western Newfoundland.
We had heard from another blog that we would be hitting another gas station at about the 50k mark where we planned to pick up lunch supplies. At about 40k Danica stopped for an uber classy roadside pee and literally 100 meters later we found the gas station. Oops!
Leaving the gas station Danica's tire magically popped off her rim. We had no idea how it happened. Her tube still seemed to have air in it so she just put it back in place and pummped it back up. It turned out to be a slightly larger problem cause after 10k it was completely flat. And the prize for the first flat in NFLD goes to Ms. Wilkinson!
Oh ya, that heavy rain forecasted? We never really found it. It made an attempt for a few minutes once but that was all. I was very glad of this cause I had a bit of a stomach flu and just biking even in good weather was challenging enough.
Well if not rain, Newfoundland was determined to throw some other challenge out way. After lunch a pretty good headwind picked up to slow is down. We slugged on through it and made it to the Corner Brook timmies where we recuperated for a bit and made a plan for the evening. The plan was as follows: bike 100m across the parking lot to the grocery store for breakfast and lunch supplies, bike back to this side for dinner at Pizza Delight then bike another 200m across the street to a park and set up camp. We executed the plan beautifully. Pizza delight turned out to be an awesome find, Danica plans to award herself a medal for best restaurant find of the trip. They have unlimited toast your own bread and something called a pizza burger.
Then at 8:53 we were all snuggled in our sleeping bags and off to sleep (except for Cate who, I'm told, played on her phone until 10pm)
Awe, tears in my eyes with laughter and hugs.