Blog Update Time!! Ok we are at the top of Manning Park
typing up a bit of an update even though we have no service… OMG the last two
days have been crazy. Lets try and explain some of it…
(Danica) Day 2: We HOPED to cycle to HOPE… and we did! With
just the most major detour though Chilliwack. Kelly had a major chain
malfunction and had to be picked up by my Dad, Mom and Sam. Veronika
accompanied her to a bike shop in Mission while Cate, Court, Laura and I
continued on. We decided we wouldn’t make it to Hope so we went to Sam’s Moms
place in Chilliwack (only a 35km detour!). On the way we saw and biked with
CLARA HUGHS!! She is on tour and was having a talk in Hope that night. So when
we got to Sams Moms, we got promised a hot lunch and dinner, warm inside beds
and a hottub…. THEN we checked our phones to see that Kelly and Veronika wanted
to go to hope because they met the most amazing bike guru who has worked with
Clara! And would fix up all of our bikes… Ahhhh dilemma and now we were moving
to Hope, Hoping we would be there before dark, Hoping we would see Clara,
Hoping we would get our bikes tuned, AND Hoping for bed. My parents were
absolutely amazing as they went ahead into Hope to get us groceries for dinner
and lunches, along with a campsite. Somehow after arriving we managed to
shower, eat, and setup all in time to meet THE MOST AMAZING BIKE GURU BRUCE (If
you’re ever in Mission and need a tune up, he’s your guy!!! Visit his
website/bike shop:,
33245 North Railway Ave. Mission BC) to get all bikes tuned up!
Heading out on day 2
The Post Office... you know which one.
Our day 2 break down, broken chain, initial repair.
Annnnnd waiting to be picked up once it was really broken.
Day 3: Yes we still had energy! And drive! And yes we were
set out early to CLIMB up to Manning Park. Did you know there is a huge hill
before a quaint little town of Sunshine Valley?! Well we found this out in the
slowest climb of our lives when VERONIKA AND LAURA GOT A RIDE!?! They hitched!
They found the nicest guy, Mark who took them and their bikes UP THE HILL!
Veronika asked him “Are you going to Manning Park” He replied “Nope Sunshine Valley” “Good Enough!!!” Then
he came back to ask the rest of us if we wanted a ride! Haha! Cate, Court and I
said no…. but Kelly jumped in like the forest was on fire! Long climb but not
as steep as some hills in Kamloops. Just long. After arriving in Sunshine we
got some water at the local store. They said anyone who’s biking that way can
stay there for $10 with Hottubs, Pool, Wifi, ect.. for just ten bucks. Ahhh we
turned that down and kept on trucking… uphill! Then about halfway up that hill
(after a great lunch by the creek) us leading bikers (Cate/Court/Myself) saw
ANOTHER TRUCK go by with three girls in it waving out the window… What lucky
girls. A family friend of ours (through April) Dale Dyke picked them up and
stopped to check on us. We sent them away and kept on going uphill… Climb on!
After a long time we finally arrived at ALLISON PASS SUMMIT!!! Our first
Summit! Manning Park was a short decent down where the ladies did an amazing
job of setting up camp and making the best of worst dinner plans… beens,
wieners, rice and old pasta. Add ranch sauce and it was perfect enough!
Mountain Queens!
Lunch Time Break!

Then back on the road
The Champions take their first summit!
I think after just three days of biking together we have now
conversed in every awkward conversation, more than once! We also have had three
breakdowns (well 2.5ish), one very cold skinny dip for showers tonight, two
hitchhiking events, one random “whatever the store had” dinner, and meet one
other guy going across Canada. Its been a long three days and we are all ready
for an ‘easier’ day tomorrow. Everyone is in really great spirits tonight as a
few of us got to the top of a summit, and a few others got some needed rest!
Its feeling way more real to be on this trip as we now have no service, no
clean cloths, and just enough food for breakfast.
Day 4
Well after a tiring day yesterday we’ve made it to Princeton
with time to spare! After being told it was going to be an easier day of
rolling hills we ended you summiting once again! This time Laura, Veronica, and
I (Kelly) made it up as well. Our first team summit!!! There were a couple
steep inclines (the 9% one right off the bat was a little daunting) but the
grade of the hills because less beyond that one and we all made it to camp with
plenty of energy! Cate and Courtney even volunteered to bike back into town for
food and ice cream, thanks guys!!! All in all it was a good day AND we managed
to have our daily mishap, Danica, right at the welcome to Princeton sign, got a
flat. A quick tire change, a quick downhill, then lunch at the campsite.
Overall a very good day. It’ll be a long day into Osoyoos but hopefully we’ll
be powering through and have a great rest day on Friday!

Our Breakdown of Day 4!


Our Breakdown of Day 4!

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