(By Cate!) This morning we woke up earlPriny because there was
promise of dinner and family upon arrival in Osoyoos. Danica described the day
as being mostly downhill all the way to Osoyoos. While this was true for the
first 70 km, the terrain had two big climbs in store for us in the last 40 km.
In the morning, we rode through Hedley which used to be a gold mine that was
mined dry in 1955 after mining 47 million dollars worth of gold. After lunch in
Keremeos, everyone was feeling pretty hot and tired. We bought some Gatorade and
got back on the road. There was a pretty strong headwind blowing up the valley
so we played leap frog to take turns
breaking the wind. We blew through the kilometers along the rolling hills next
to the Similkameen river then we hit the climbs. We made it up to the top and
then coasted down some steep decents into Osoyoos! Danica’s family was waiting
to cheer us on and guide us to the campground. Mom had also rallied up a few
crazy Aussies at the campground to welcome us in. Danica, Courtney, Kelly and I
went for a dip in the lake and then we all had a wonderful spread of appies and
dinner with our families. Mom gave us back massages to work out all of our sore
spots before bed!l

Leaving Camp in Princeton
Biking in a line to fight the wind!
A sign in the West direction making us feel good about ourselves
A hill we accomplished before the 9 % downhill into Osoyoos... Cate clocked 66km/hr on it!
Wow. That wind sounds like an extra tough variable. Nice that you have family around for massages. I guess it's tough on your whole body eh. Even the back? Good job ladies. Observing you over the Internet it looks like your moving fast!! From Janessa