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Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Day 29 & 30 ~

Rest Day Winterpeg!

Well for a rest day it was not so eventful... We slept in (okay well some of us did), we phoned our Dads for Fathers Day, relaxed and wondered around the city no one knows what to do in. There is an amazing indoor market called Forks. The indoor feature was grand due to the torrential downpour Winterpeg was providing us. Lunch was great and then we ran into our practically best friend Derek (the MC of Clara's big ride). Great chat with him as we won't see them again. Of coarse our group had to visit MEC where we spent more money. Laura and I tried to solved our sleeping problem by buying blankets and dry sacs. Cate got an amazing new jersey, Vroni a shirt and pants and I got a new teeshirt! Now I officially have two teeshirts! Honestly the most quiet day for our crew... And that says a lot! 

Day 30: Winnipeg to Rennie (yah google that it's a nothing nowhere town)

We made the plan to change the route a bit for two days as we wanted to stay off the number 1.. Apparently there is no shoulder from Winnipeg to the boarder so we took a nobody road to a no where town. Honestly this hwy 15 was sooooo straight and no one drove it. It had no shoulder so didn't matter that we went two or three wide in the lane. Then we turned north to connect with hwy 44. Little curvier but still nobody!! Lucky to be in a big group for safety. We have officially changed landscape again and have rocks on the side f the road instead of hay fields! 

I had a near disaster when Camille decided to blow a gasket.. Ok let me explain. Camille is my camelback. Yes we have had enough time as a group to name everything... Most names come from pretty great stories! Laura's camelback is Bob, Kelly's is Bobbert (ask Court about that), and Vronis is Lukie! My spork is blackie. Cates fender is Shamblon (From Kelly). Laura's speaker is Brandon (yes after that terrible town!) and I think that's about it to majorly report besides the bikes names. Ok back to Camille: I was going to drink her nipple when it EXPLODED off and started bleeding water everywhere! I tried to stop and unclip and control the flow... Oh my emergency stops with water spewing is a tough challenge! Needless to say Camille and I had to have a serious talk afterwards!

Ummmm and besides that it was a straight boring road!! Oh wait I forgot the BUGS! Ahhh big black flys. Depending on where you are from they are named differently. I call them Horseflys. Our Toronto folk call them Deerflys. The local called them a Bulldog Fly... Who knows but they chased us down the road and it majorly sucked! The sign for Remmie is amazing!! See the photo below. Best sign of the trip for sure! 

Forks Market

Tim's breaky

Amazing Rennie sign!

Cates first Mountie 

Clara's bus! Goodbye we will miss you!

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