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Thursday, 12 June 2014

Day 27: Brandon to Portage la Prairie

(Danica) Brandon - thank god we left that place. We saw Clara's bus and support vehicles as we left town so we knew she was officially following us... Who's creeping now! Haha we love Clara! Biking to Portage was a straight line. But there is trees in Manitoba so that made the straight line a bit better. We stopped in a small town for lunch and Clara passed us. It's so amazing all these small towns and all of the questions we get. Some questions are different but we usually get the standard ones. We are so lucky to have six people to answer all the same questions or else it would be super daunting. 

Coming into Portage La Poop (not a huge fan of this town either) there are terrible shoulders. Though we must say Friendly Manitoba drivers move over and help us out. Kelly got another flat which majorly slowed us down. We had so many honks today as everyone thought we were with Clara, or Clara herself!! One lady pulled over to wave and cheer. We felt soooo bad when we told her we were actually nobody's. One guy stopped to give us water at one of our pit stops just because he wanted to be nice to Canadians and pay it forward. Nicest guy ever! Didn't even know Clara. When we finally got to town we divided up - Collins' and Kelly went to the bike shop while Vroni, Laura and myself went to find groceries and the campsite. Court got a flat on their way to the bike shop so they got majorly delayed again. She replaced the tube but the air stem broke and then she was about to re-replace the tube when a nice guy pulled over to take them to the shop. Her first "half" hitch. However it all worked out and we had a late dinner after the rain stopped. 

Somehow I got all my photos blue for the day... Veronika is amazing and will upload some better ones when we get wifi. Here is just two minor ones.

Our pile of bikes. 

Flowers for Bikey to cheer it up!

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